A Guide To Ballycotton
Get the guide to Ballycotton. Available from local shops or contact Helen at hcuddigan@gmail.com if you wish to purchase the guide.
Well, Here I am in Ballycotton
"Well, here I am in Ballycotton’ features a collection of over 100 postcards, illustrations, graphs and maps. This book gives the history of Ballycotton through these postcards.
Available from local shops and also online at
Ballycotton History.

Experience the fresh Ballycotton sea air,
be mesmerised by the natural beauty and stunning views that Ballycotton has to offer.
A tour of Ballycotton Island Lighthouse is a truly magical memory-making excursion.
Travel in an open topped boat, hike to the Ballycotton lighthouse summit & explore the lighthouse.
Ballycotton is Happy
Take a tour of our beautiful village with the people that live here.